卡尔维诺宇宙奇趣全集 英文原版 The Complete Cosmicomics 宇宙连环画 科幻小说故事集 Italo Calvino 英文版进口书籍正版
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书名:The Complete Cosmicomics卡尔维诺:宇宙奇趣全集
作者:Italo Calvino
出版社名称:Penguin Classics
商品尺寸:12.9 x 2.4 x 19.8 cm
页数:432The Complete Cosmicomics《卡尔维诺:宇宙奇趣全集》首次将卡尔维诺从一九六四年起讲的所有宇宙奇趣的故事收录在同一本书中,《宇宙奇趣全集》也起到了一个有趣的作用,即把现代科学很难的概念变得轻松而且可见,达到建立一种更接近宇宙起源的神话而不是科学小说的文学种类。
卡尔维诺说,《宇宙奇趣全集》要讲述的不是科幻故事,也就是说不是传统的,儒勒·凡尔纳和H.G.威尔斯式的科幻故事——虽然我很欣赏它。宇宙奇趣的背后所拥有的更多的是莱奥帕蒂,大力水手的连环画,塞缪尔·贝克特,乔尔丹诺·布鲁诺,刘易斯·卡罗尔,扑克中王牌的画,有时也会有兰德尔菲,伊曼努尔·康德,博尔赫斯,格朗维尔的版画。 媒体评论: 博尔赫斯、马尔克斯和卡尔维诺三人同样为我们做着完美的梦,三人之中,卡尔维诺是温暖明亮的。——作家约翰•厄普代克(John Updike) 卡尔维诺的想象像宇宙微妙的均衡,摆放在伏尔泰和莱布尼兹(Leibniz)之间。——符号学大师艾柯(Umberto Eco) Italo Calvino's enchanting stories about the evolution of the universe, with characters that are fashioned from mathematical formulae and cellular structures, The Complete Cosmicomics is translated by Martin McLaughlin, Tim Parks and William Weaver in Penguin Modern Classics. 'Naturally, we were all there, - dld Qfwfq said, - where else could we have been? Nobody knew then that there could be space. Or time either: what use did we have for time, packed in there like sardines?' The Cosmicomics tell the story of the history of the universe, from the big bang, through millennia and across galaxies. It is witnessed through the eyes of 'cosmic know-it-all' Qfwfq, an exuberant, chameleon-like figure, who takes the shape of a dinosaur, a molluse, a steamer captain and a moon milk gatherer, among others. This is the first complete edition in English of Italo Calvino's funny, whimsical and delightful stories, which blend scientific fact, flights of fancy, parody and wordplay to show the strangeness and the wonders of the world. Review 'The complete and definitive collection ... a masterpiece' Gilbert Adair, Evening Standard 'Dazzling ... a book of revelation' Tim Adams, Observer 'If you have never read Cosmicomics, you have before you the most joyful reading experience of your life' Salman Rushdie 'A landmark in fiction, the work of a master' Ursula K Le Guin, Guardian
伊塔洛·卡尔维诺(1923-1985)是意大利当代具有世界影响的作家。于1985年获得诺贝尔文学提名,却因于当年猝然去世而与该奖失之交臂。但其人其作早已在意大利文学界乃至世界文学界产生巨大影响。 卡尔维诺从事文学创作40年,一直尝试着用各种手法表现当代人的生活和心灵。他的作品融现实主义、超现实主义与后现代主义于一身,以丰富的手法、奇特的角度构造超乎想像的、富有浓厚童话意味的故事,深为当代作家推崇,并给他们带来深刻影响。《我们的祖先》三部曲、《命运交叉的城堡》、《帕洛马尔》等达到惊人的艺术高度和思想深度。《意大利童话》很大限度地保持了意大利民间口头故事的原貌,艺术价值和学术价值兼具,是再现意大利“民族记忆”之深厚积淀的不可多得的作品。《美国讲稿》是卡尔维诺对自己近40年小说创作实践的丰富经验进行的系统回顾和理论上的总结与阐发。他的作品以特有的方式反映了时代,更超越了时代。 关于生平,卡尔维诺写道:“我仍然属于和克罗齐一样的人,认为一个作者,只有作品有价值。因此我不提供传记资料。我会告诉你你想知道的东西。但我从来不会告诉你真实。” Italo Calvino, one of Italy's finest postwar writers, has delighted readers around the world with his deceptively simple, fable-like stories. Calvino was born in Cuba in 1923 and raised in San Remo, Italy; he fought for the Italian Resistance from 1943-45. He died in Siena in 1985, of a brain hemorrhage. The Distance of the Moon At one time, according to Sir George H. Darwin, the Moon was very close to the Earth. Then the tides gradually pushed her far away: the tides that the Moon herself causes in the Earth’s waters, where the Earth slowly loses energy. How well I know! — old Qfwfq cried — the rest of you can’t remember, but I can. We had her on top of us all the time, that enormous Moon: when she was full - nights as bright as day, but with a butter-coloured light — it looked as if she were going to crush us; when she was new, she rolled around the sky like a black umbrella blown by the wind: and when she was waxing. She came forward with her horns so low she seemed about to stick into the peak of a promontory and get caught there. But the whole business of the Moon’s phases worked in a different way then: because the distances from the Sun were different, and the orbits, and the angle of something or other, I forget what; as for eclipses, with Earth and Moon stuck together the way they were, why, we had eclipses every minute: naturally. Those two big monsters managed to put each other in the shade constantly, first one, then the other. Orbit? Oh, elliptical, of course: for a while it would huddle against us and then it would take flight for a while. The tides, when the Moon swung closer, rose so high nobody could hold them back. There were nights when the Moon was full and very, very low, and the tide was so high that the Moon missed a ducking in the sea by a hair’s-breadth; well, let’s say a few yards anyway. Climb up on the Moon? Of course we did. All you had to do was row out to it in a boat and, when you were underneath, prop a ladder against her and scramble up. The spot where the Moon was lowest, as she went by, was off the Zinc Cliffs. We used to go out with those little rowing boats they had in those days, round and flat, made of cork. They held quite a few of us: me, Captain Vhd Vhd, his wife, my deaf cousin, and sometimes little Xlthlx — she was twelve or so at that time.
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