我们脚下的行星 英文原版小说 The Stars Beneath Our Feet 纽约时报年度童书 青少年英语课外阅读书籍 英文版原版儿童文学书
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库存: | 14 件 |
书名:The Stars Beneath Our Feet我们脚下的行星
作者:David Barclay Moore
商品尺寸:13 x 1.8 x 19.4 cm
页数:304(以实物为准) "The right story at the right time. . . . It’s not just a narrative; it’s an experience. It’s the novel we’ve been waiting for." —The New York Times
It’s Christmas Eve in Harlem, but twelve-year-old Lolly Rachpaul and his mom aren’t celebrating. They’re still reeling from his older brother’s death in a gang-related shooting just a few months earlier. Then Lolly’s mother’s girlfriend brings him a gift that will change everything: two enormous bags filled with Legos. Lolly’s always loved Legos, and he prides himself on following the kit instructions exactly. Now, faced with a pile of building blocks and no instructions, Lolly must find his own way forward.
His path isn’t clear—and the pressure to join a “crew,” as his brother did, is always there. When Lolly and his friend are beaten up and robbed, joining a crew almost seems like the safe choice. But building a fantastical Lego city at the community center provides Lolly with an escape—and an unexpected bridge back to the world.
David Barclay Moore paints a powerful portrait of a boy teetering on the edge—of adolescence, of grief, of violence—and shows how Lolly’s inventive spirit helps him build a life with firm foundations and open doors.
在哈林(Harlem)的圣诞节前夕,但是十二岁的Lolly Rachpaul和他的妈妈没有庆祝。几个月前,他们仍在与他的大哥死于一次与团伙有关的枪击事件中感到难过。然后,棒棒糖的母亲的女朋友给他带来了一份礼物,它将改变一切:两个装满乐高积木的大袋子。棒棒糖一直以来都喜欢乐高积木,他为完全遵循套件说明感到自豪。现在,面对一堆积木,没有任何指示,Lolly必须找到自己的前进之路。
大卫·巴克莱·摩尔(David Barclay Moore)描绘了一个有力的肖像,描绘了一个处于边缘的男孩,他正处于青春期,悲伤,暴力之中,并展示了棒棒糖的发明精神如何帮助他建立牢固的基础和敞开的大门。
大卫·巴克莱·摩尔(David Barclay Moore)在密苏里州长大。在爱荷华州立大学学习创意写作,在华盛顿特区的霍华德大学攻读电影并在法国的蒙彼利埃大学学习语言研究后,戴维移居纽约,在那里他曾担任杰弗里·加拿大哈林儿童区的传播协调员。 自闭症社区质量服务的沟通经理。 他获得了福特基金会,杰罗姆基金会,雅多基金会和Wellspring基金会的资助。 他还是圣丹斯编剧实验室的准决赛选手。David现在在纽约布鲁克林生活,工作和探索。
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