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刺客信条8册套装 英文原版科幻冒险小说 Assassin's Creed 游戏小说书籍 Penguin 企鹅经典 英文版 正版进口原版英语书 商品图0
刺客信条8册套装 英文原版科幻冒险小说 Assassin's Creed 游戏小说书籍 Penguin 企鹅经典 英文版 正版进口原版英语书 商品图1
刺客信条8册套装 英文原版科幻冒险小说 Assassin's Creed 游戏小说书籍 Penguin 企鹅经典 英文版 正版进口原版英语书 商品图2
刺客信条8册套装 英文原版科幻冒险小说 Assassin's Creed 游戏小说书籍 Penguin 企鹅经典 英文版 正版进口原版英语书 商品图3
刺客信条8册套装 英文原版科幻冒险小说 Assassin's Creed 游戏小说书籍 Penguin 企鹅经典 英文版 正版进口原版英语书 商品缩略图0 刺客信条8册套装 英文原版科幻冒险小说 Assassin's Creed 游戏小说书籍 Penguin 企鹅经典 英文版 正版进口原版英语书 商品缩略图1 刺客信条8册套装 英文原版科幻冒险小说 Assassin's Creed 游戏小说书籍 Penguin 企鹅经典 英文版 正版进口原版英语书 商品缩略图2 刺客信条8册套装 英文原版科幻冒险小说 Assassin's Creed 游戏小说书籍 Penguin 企鹅经典 英文版 正版进口原版英语书 商品缩略图3


书名:Assassin's Creed刺客信条8册套装 

作者:Oliver Bowden 




商品尺寸:12.9 x 2.8 x 19.7 cm 


页数:400-544页/册x 8册 《刺客信条》系列官方小说是根据育碧娱乐软件公司旗下的畅销游戏改编而来,全套共8册,分别为Renaissance《文艺复兴》、Brotherhood《兄弟会》、The Secret Crusade《十字军(秘密圣战)》、Revelations《启示录》、Forsaken《遗弃》、Black Flag《黑旗》、Unity《大革命》、Underworld《底层世界》。这套书为英文原版,适合有一定英文基础的AC粉或科幻小说爱好者阅读。 推荐理由: 1.全套书8本套装,由畅销游戏改编而成,英国历史学家奥利弗·波登操刀创作; 2.地道英式英语,原汁原味,用词较为简单,基础一般的读者也容易读懂; 3.英文原版,印刷清晰,纸质护眼,方便随时翻阅。 1. Assassin's Creed: Renaissance《刺客信条:文艺复兴》 在文艺复兴时期的意大利,微妙的政治问题总是依靠毒药、暗杀、构陷来解决。在这样的背景下,一个神秘的刺客组织在暗中依托各大贵族的势力日益壮大,而被视为“文艺复兴的先驱与强力支持者”的美第奇家族以及文艺巨匠莱昂纳多·达·芬奇,与这个刺客组织更是有着千丝万缕的联系。 暗杀、灭族、政坛纷争、教派矛盾,一系列从未被人所熟知的细节将在本书中被抽丝剥茧:美第奇家族如何逃过接近灭门的全面围攻、达·芬奇缘何成为刺客组织的技术提供者、新任教皇为何企图统治整个欧洲大陆?翻开本书,历史的谜团将在你的眼前烟消云散! I will seek Vengeance upon those who betrayed my family. I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze. I am an Assassin...' Betrayed by the ruling families of Italy, a young man embarks upon an epic quest for vengeance. To eradicate corruption and restore his family's honour, he will learn the art of the assassins. Along the way, Ezio will call upon the wisdom of such great minds as Leonardo Da Vinci and Niccolo Machiavelli - knowing that survival is bound to the skills by which he must live. To his allies, he will become a force for change - fighting for freedom and justice. To his enemies, he will become a threat dedicated to the destruction of the tyrants abusing the people of Italy. So begins an epic story of power, revenge and conspiracy. Truth will be written in blood. 2. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood《刺客信条:兄弟会》 1503年罗马,是为教皇亚历山大六世被选为教皇的第十一个年头,在波及亚家族统治下的罗马城几近沦为一片废墟。埃齐奥·奥迪托雷,一名刺客兄弟会的大师,正要前往梵蒂冈执行他的任务,结束这段荒淫的暴政。然而真正让埃齐奥担心的除了是梵蒂冈地底的秘密外,更是这个家族背后酝酿的庞大阴谋…… I will journey to the black heart of a corrupt Empire to root out my foes. But Rome wasn't built in a day and it won't be restored by a lone assassin. I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze. This is my brotherhood'. Rome, once mighty, lies in ruins. The city swarms with suffering and degradation, her citizens living in the shadow of the ruthless Borgia family. Only one man can free the people from the Borgia tyranny - Ezio Auditore, the Master Assassin. Ezio's quest will test him to his limits. Cesare Borgia, a man more villainous and dangerous than his father the Pope, will not rest until he has conquered Italy. And in such treacherous times, conspiracy is everywhere, even within the ranks of the brotherhood itself... 3. Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade《刺客信条:十字军(秘密圣战)》 马可·波罗的父亲,尼科洛·波罗终于道出其保守一生的秘密——阿泰尔的过去,传奇的一位刺客的人生历程。 阿泰尔接下了一项无比艰巨的任务——这不仅需要他走遍圣地每一个角落,还让他领悟到刺客信条的真正含义。想要重拾山河,阿泰尔必须击败九名圣殿骑士,其中甚至包括圣殿骑士领袖罗伯特·德·赛布尔。我们将在这里探视阿泰尔的传奇人生:一趟足以改变历史进程的旅行;一场刺客与圣殿骑士你来我往的较量;一段震撼而悲惨的家庭生活;一次来自旧识的无情背叛。 Niccolo Polo, father of Marco, will finally reveal the story he has kept secret all his life - the story of Altair, one of the brotherhood's most extraordinary Assassins. Altair embarks on a formidable mission - one that takes him throughout the Holy Land and shows him the true meaning of the Assassin's Creed. To demonstrate his commitment, Altair must defeat nine deadly enemies, including Templar leader, Robert de Sable. Altair's life story is told here for the first time: a journey that will change the course of history; his ongoing battle with the Templar conspiracy; a family life that is as tragic as it is shocking; and, the ultimate betrayal of an old friend. 4. Assassin's Creed: Revelations《刺客信条:启示录》 本书讲述传奇主人公艾吉奥追随着其先导阿泰尔的脚步,踏上了探索真相之旅的过程。 The library holds no only a hidden knowledge but also the most unsettling secret the world has ever known; a secret the Templars hope to use to control humankind's destiny. Five keys are needed to access the library - to find them, Ezio must travel to the troubled city of Constantinople, where a growing army of Templars threaten to estabalize the Ottoman Empire. Walking in the footsteps of his predecessor, Altair, Ezio must defeat the Templars for the final time. For the stakes have never been higher, and what started as a pilgrimage has become a race against time... 5. Assassin's Creed: Forsaken《刺客信条:遗弃》 失去家人以后,海瑟姆被一群神秘的导师收入门下,这名导师将他训练为一名致命的杀手——一名圣殿骑士。心灵被复仇的渴望所吞噬的海瑟姆,前去寻找他的仇人,一路上他不相信任何人,又质疑他所知的一切。 在复仇之路越走越远之际,海瑟姆踏上了美洲的土地,也遇见了自己从未知晓的亲生儿——康纳·肯威。但由于命运的捉弄,他发现自己早已成为了儿子的死敌!与此同时,美洲大陆的人民,正被乔治·华盛顿所率领,与英国殖民者展开了旷日持久的独立之战。 With no family, he is taken in by a mysterious tutor who trains him to become a deadly killer. Consumed by his thirst for revenge Haytham begins a quest for retribution, trusting no one and questioning everything he has ever known. Conspiracy and betrayal surround him as he is drawn into the centuries old battle between the Assassins and the Templars. 6. Assassin's Creed: Black Flag《刺客信条:黑旗》 这是海盗的黄金年代,新世界正在向他们招手。爱德华·肯威,这位自视甚高的羊毛商人之子梦想着黄金,光荣的海上生涯对他来说充满了诱惑力。他家的农场突然间遭受袭击,而肯威找到了脱身的机会,很快便跻身为臭名昭著的私掠船员之一。 但贪婪、野心和背叛紧随而来。一场可怕阴谋开始浮出水面,威胁着他所珍视的一切,而肯威无法抵挡报复的冲动。也正因如此,他被卷入了刺客兄弟会与圣殿骑士团跨越许多个世纪的争斗里。 Black Flag, discover the story of how Edward, a young privateer, became one of the world's most deadly pirates and was drawn into the centuries-old battle between the Templars and the Assassins. 7. Assassin's Creed: Unity《刺客信条:大革命》 1789年,宏伟壮丽的巴黎城迎来了法国大革命的开端,人民奋起抗击压迫他们的贵族阶级。鲜红的血液在鹅卵石铺就的街道上流淌,但正义的革命总是伴随着高昂的代价…… 在这个贫富阶层间不和,整个法国都陷入动乱和分裂的时代,亚诺和伊莉斯正在努力为他们失去的一切复仇。很快,他们就被卷入了刺客兄弟会与圣殿骑士团之间历史悠久的争斗——在这个世界里,充斥着他们无法想象的可怕危险。 The magnificent city of Paris sees the dawn of the French Revolution. The cobblestone streets run red with blood as the people rise against the oppressive aristocracy. But revolutionary justice comes at a high price... At a time when the divide between the rich and poor is at its most extreme, and a nation is tearing itself apart, a young man and woman fight to avenge all they have lost. 8. Assassin's Creed: Underworld《刺客信条:底层世界》 在工业革命的影响下,世界上第1条地下铁路正在建造之中。当挖掘工作正在进行时,工人们意外发现了一具尸体。这具尸体也点燃了圣殿骑士与刺客之间,长达数个世纪的争斗的新篇章。一位带着黑暗秘密的刺客,肩负将圣殿骑士击败、解除其对这个国家首都的掌控之大任,亦隐姓埋名于此地。不久之后,兄弟会将把这个人称做“亨利?格林、雅各布和伊薇?弗莱的导师”,而现在,他仅仅是个不为人知的“幽灵”…… 1862, and with London in the wake of the Industrial Revolution, the world’s first underground railway is under construction. When a body is discovered at the dig, it sparks the beginning of the latest deadly chapter in the centuries-old battle between the Assassins and Templars. Deep undercover is an Assassin with dark secrets and a mission to defeat the Templar stranglehold on the nation’s capital. Soon the Brotherhood will know him as Henry Green, mentor to Jacob and Evie Frye. For now, he is simply The Ghost. Oliver Bowden奥利弗·波登,原名Anton Gill,英国历史学家、科幻奇幻小说作家,曾创作过多部畅销作品,被《泰晤士报》盛赞为“高阶奇幻的先行者”。著名游戏公司“育碧”旗下的刺客信条游戏系列小说由其创作。 Oliver Bowden is a pseudonym for Anton Gill, renaissance historian and author of thirty-five books, including “Il Gigante,” “Art Lover,” and “The Great Escape.” With acting credits that span stage and screen, Gildart Jackson is most often recognized for his role as Gideon on “Charmed.” Other notable TV roles include Jackson Palmer on “Providence” and Simon Prentiss on “General Hospital,” and his theater roles include Henry Higgins in “My Fair Lady,” and Adrian in “Private Eyes at the Old Globe.” 1. Assassin's Creed: Renaissance刺客信条:文艺复兴 2. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood刺客信条:兄弟会 3. Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade刺客信条:十字军(秘密圣战) 4. Assassin's Creed: Revelations刺客信条:启示录 5. Assassin's Creed: Forsaken刺客信条:遗弃 6. Assassin's Creed: Black Flag刺客信条:黑旗 7. Assassin's Creed: Unity刺客信条:大革命 8. Assassin's Creed: Underworld刺客信条:底层世界

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