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Collins 哈佛谈判心理学 英文原版 Winning from Within 哈佛大学商业谈判指南 演讲与口才训练 英文版 现货正版 进口英语书籍 商品图0
Collins 哈佛谈判心理学 英文原版 Winning from Within 哈佛大学商业谈判指南 演讲与口才训练 英文版 现货正版 进口英语书籍 商品图1
Collins 哈佛谈判心理学 英文原版 Winning from Within 哈佛大学商业谈判指南 演讲与口才训练 英文版 现货正版 进口英语书籍 商品图2
Collins 哈佛谈判心理学 英文原版 Winning from Within 哈佛大学商业谈判指南 演讲与口才训练 英文版 现货正版 进口英语书籍 商品缩略图0 Collins 哈佛谈判心理学 英文原版 Winning from Within 哈佛大学商业谈判指南 演讲与口才训练 英文版 现货正版 进口英语书籍 商品缩略图1 Collins 哈佛谈判心理学 英文原版 Winning from Within 哈佛大学商业谈判指南 演讲与口才训练 英文版 现货正版 进口英语书籍 商品缩略图2


书名:Winning from Within 哈佛谈判心理学
作者:Erica Ariel Fox艾莉卡·爱瑞儿·福克斯
商品尺寸:15.2 x 2.4 x 22.9 cm

◎哈佛大学谈判项目组重要成果!哈佛大学谈判项目组成立于1983年,是世界重要的谈判组织,Winning from Within《哈佛谈判心理学》是其研究成果之一。




“福克斯知道怎样转变她的听众,促使他们去思考、去质疑他们固有的观念从而成为更好的自己。她是一位具有敏锐思想的领导和变革者。” ——普迦·赛格尔·贾斯帕尔(Puja Sehgal Jaspal)(谷歌薪酬委员会主管)

“本书提供了人格养成的实用方法,效果惊人。人格养成在领导力训练中的重要性愈来愈高,经理人无论资历深浅,都不可或缺。福克斯行文深入浅出,让人不想错过这条自我提升的道路。” ——艾美·艾豪森(Amy C. Edmondson)(哈佛商学院领导及管理学教授)

“福克斯过去几年在哈佛法学院开疆辟土,我身为她的同事,有幸目睹这一切。她提出一套结合传统与创新的谈判协商模型,正是时候。企业、政府、非营利组织的管理阶层都能从中受益。” ——隆纳·海菲兹(Ronald A.Heifetz)(哈佛“肯尼迪政府学院公共领导力中心”创办董事)

“福克斯的写作风格清晰,时而幽默时而温暖,让人想一读再读。她将个人的生活与工作经验融入本书,并提供实际做法,把焦点集中在以往被众人遗忘的内在思维,为沟通协商的领域开创新局。” ——罗伯特凯根(Robert Kegan)及莉萨拉赫(Lisa Lahey)(哈佛教育所教授)

“这世界偶有新星诞生,让大家看清旧有思维不再适用,彻底改变我们的思维方式。福克斯就是这颗新星。她的见解精辟,有助于我们精进待人处事的方法,自我也能彻底革新。读了本书,你的人生也能有新气象。” ——肯尼斯·克洛克(Kenneth Cloke)(“无疆界调停人”创办人)

“福克斯打造出一套管理内心世界的策略,思维创新、富于想象,而又效果十足。本书勾勒出通往美好生活的途径。” ——丹尼尔·高曼(Daniel Goleman)(《EQ》畅销作家)

“《哈佛谈判心理学》是会彻底改变企业领导人的养成训练。书中的概念与灵感将席卷企业界。” ——彼得·古柏(Peter Guber)(《会说才会赢》畅销作家)

“如果今年只读一本领导学书籍,就读这本书!” ——马歇尔·葛史密斯(Marshall Goldsmith)(《UP学》畅销作家)

“本书有如一本教战守则,教大家如何活出真我,善用智慧跳脱困境。追求更丰富、更幸福的人生,请勿错过这本宝藏。” ——沙伦·萨尔兹堡(Sharon Salzberg)(《慈爱:革命性的喜悦艺术》畅销作家)

“本书教人反求诸己,让个人的改变更能长久,不把重点放在外在行为与样版个性,而应该整合自己心中不同的性格。” ——《出版者周刊》

Life is a series of negotiations, whether or not you think of yourself as a negotiator. From seemingly insignificant daily decisions to major life choices, you negotiate every time you aim to persuade, argue over a decision, or resolve a conflict. But as negotiations and leadership expert Erica Ariel Fox reveals, the most important negotiations - the ones that determine the impact of our actions and the quality of our lives - are those we have with ourselves. Most of us recognize the difference between our knowledge - what we know we should do and say - and our know-how-what we actually do and say in real life when it counts. Fox calls this the Performance Gap, and she shows you how to close it, turning breakdowns into breakthroughs, whether struggling with a difficult client, arguing with a combative teenager, or organizing for community action.Winning from Within combines insights from Western psychology and Eastern philosophy with practical applications from real business situations and everyday life. Fox shows that the ability to achieve mastery over how we interact with each other comes from within, from the "center" where desires, thoughts, feelings, and impulses to take action live side-by-side.Winning from Within offers a profound and highly practical seven-step method for making changes that last-at work and at home. As Erica Ariel Fox demonstrates, we can actually get what we want - and feel good about the result.

“Erica Ariel Fox knows how to transform her audience and really make them think, question their beliefs, and change for the better. She is a cutting edge thought leader and change agent.”  — Puja Sehgal Jaspal, Principal, Google Compensation Team, GOOGLE

“Every so often a star is born, illuminating what we thought was commonplace and fundamentally rearranges the way we think. Erica Ariel Fox is such a star. She offers dazzling, deeply transformational insights, not merely into what we do, but into who we are. Read her. Your life could change.”  — Kenneth Cloke, author of Mediating Dangerously Founder of Mediators Beyond Borders

“After 25 years in the business,Winning From Within was simply the most impactful training I have ever experienced.”  — Brian Ratte, North America Sales Leader, Industry Solutions, IBM

Winning from Within revolutionizes our state of leadership education for students and global leaders both in private and public sectors. It is exactly the guidebook we need as we navigate unchartered waters into the future.”  — Dr. Mariko Gakiya, Faculty Director, Global Leadership Program of The University of Tokyo


如果你的回答是“Yes”,那么你迫切需要阅读这本汇集了哈佛很好的实践与心理学家、诗人、神学家智慧的Winning from Within《哈佛谈判心理学》。我们与他人谈判的失败,通过外在的技巧进行弥补,效果终究有限,只有同时发掘内心的能量才是上策。哈佛大学著名沟通与谈判专家艾莉卡•爱瑞儿•福克斯女士通过近20年的企业运营与教学研究发现,个人要想取得谈判的胜利,要先学会自我谈判,即把很好的自己请出来坐在谈判桌前。而要请出很好的自己,则需要保证内心的平衡。每个人内心都有四大成员:梦想家、思想者、爱人、勇士。梦想家思虑前景,思想者分析观念,爱人关注人际关系,勇士唤醒内在的能量推进行动。除此之外,内心还有三大改造者:守望者、船长、旅行者,守望者观察四大成员的反应并发出信号,船长决定采取何种措施应对,旅行者提供人生情境带着四大成员面对机遇和挑战。三大改造者与四大成员互相配合,让个人趋近完美的本我,这样你就会在谈判桌前无往不胜!

艾莉卡·爱瑞儿·福克斯(Erica Ariel Fox),国际著名谈判与沟通专家,哈佛法学院协商谈判课程教授,莫比乌斯管理领导能力(Mobius Executive Leadership)顾问公司联合创始人,麦肯锡领导养成课程(McKinsey Leadership Development)资深顾问。在谈判学与领导学领域具有高人气的福克斯,辅导管理团队突破困境、激励听众找到向上力量,协助企业实现突破性转变。此外,福克斯亦受公营机构之托进行领导能力培训,提供经理人教育课程。她于普林斯顿大学取得学士学位,于哈佛法学院取得法律硕士学位,目前与丈夫及继子居住在波士顿近郊与阿姆斯特丹郊区。

Erica Ariel Foxteaches negotiation at Harvard Law School. She is a cofounder of the global leadership and change firm Mobius Executive Leadership and a senior advisor to McKinsey Leadership Development (MLD). A highly sought-after expert and speaker, she helps teams in trouble, inspires audiences, and supports businesses seeking transformational change. She also provides leadership training to public-sector organizations and through executive education courses. She earned her undergraduate degree from Princeton University and her law degree from Harvard Law School. She lives with her husband and stepson near Boston and outside Amsterdam.

Life is a series of attempts to get things right. You work to achieve your goals. You hope to fulfill your potential. And you want to be a good person. You aim to live well, love and be loved, and if all goes well, make a contribution. Some of these come easily; others don’t. You do the best you can.
Still, despite your best efforts, things don’t always go according to plan.
Who hasn’t said or done the wrong thing, making a bad situation worse? Or said nothing, when we might have made a difference if we had?Who hasn’t lain in bed at night thinking, “1 can’t believe I said that!” or “Why didn’t I speak up when I had the chance?” We may especially beat ourselves up when we fall into the same old traps. “I did it again… even though I knew better.”
Everyone has some version of this experience. You prepare for an important meeting, or a weighty conversation. You think in advance about what you want to say. And then, in the moment of truth, it doesn’t go the way you pictured it the night before.
The interesting thing is how often the difference doesn’t come from what other people said or did. We like to point fingers, yes. But in truth, the reversal of fortune from the night before quite often comes from us. We go in with one plan. Yet we end up doing something else entirely.
Consider the following scenarios:
In a conversation for a promising contract, Tonia, who owns her own business, is surprised when a potential client pushes back on her fees. She’d gone into the meeting intending to be flexible—new opportunities had all but disappeared since the economy tanked. But in the moment, Tonia feels insulted and undervalued. She walks away from the engagement, despite needing the work and having a decent offer on the table.
While meeting with a valued client of his firm, Pierre learns that the client rejected his recommendations for upgrading their IT system. The client tells Pierre why he doesn’t think the strategy will work for them. Pierre knows he should use the “active listening” he learned in a seminar. But he’s proud of the strategy, and believes it’s right for the client. Pierre explains why the reservations are unfounded, laying out again the merits of the proposal. The client doesn’t want to argue. Instead, he asks Pierre’s boss for a different consultant.

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