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预售 【中商原版】图蓝基安慰食谱 英文原版 Ottolenghi Comfort Yotam Ottolenghi 畅销书作者 创意佳肴 世界各地美食 商品图0
预售 【中商原版】图蓝基安慰食谱 英文原版 Ottolenghi Comfort Yotam Ottolenghi 畅销书作者 创意佳肴 世界各地美食 商品缩略图0


图蓝基安慰食谱 Ottolenghi Comfort


Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ten Speed ​​Press (October 8, 2024)

Language ‏ : ‎ English

Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 320 pages

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0399581779

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.39 Kilograms

Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 20.19 x 2.79 x 27.74 cm



《纽约时报》畅销书《Ottolenghi Flavor》的作者用 100 多种全球个人食谱重新构想了舒适食品。

Yotam Ottolenghi 是一位深受喜爱的厨师,他赢得了寻求灵感和美味烹饪的家庭厨师的青睐,现在他又回来了。在《Ottolenghi Comfort》中,他将自己鼓舞人心、风味十足的烹饪方式融入了舒适菜肴中。

除了改变游戏规则的低成本食谱以及适合花一个下午的食谱外,Ottolenghi Comfort 还提供了既能烹饪又能食用的创意菜肴。在 100 多种食谱中,Ottolenghi 和合著者 Helen Goh、Verena Lochmuller 和 Tara Wigley 汇集了童年记忆和世界各地的旅行,庆祝美食和朋友以及他们共同建立的联系,这些联系将代代相传。

对于 Ottolenghi 来说,一碗意大利面变成了焦糖洋葱耳朵面配榛子和香脆鼠尾草,一碗暖心汤变成了奶酪面包汤配皱叶甘蓝和黑甘蓝,土豆变成了蒜味阿利戈土豆配韭葱和百里香。在《Comfort》中,他尝试了从薄饼到鹰嘴豆泥、从羊肉饼到快餐拉面、从咸味鲁格拉到巧克力慕斯等各​​种美食。


The New York Times bestselling author of Ottolenghi Flavor reimagines comfort food with over 100 global, personal recipes.

Yotam Ottolenghi—the beloved chef who has captured the hearts of homecooks looking for inspiration and great-tasting cooking—is back. In Ottolenghi Comfort, he brings his inspiring, flavor-forward cooking to comfort dishes.  

With game-changing low-lift recipes as well as recipes to spend an afternoon on, Ottolenghi Comfort presents creative dishes that are comfortable to both cook and eat. In more than 100 recipes, Ottolenghi—and co-authors Helen Goh, Verena Lochmuller, and Tara Wigley—bring together young life memories and travels around the world, celebrating food and friends and the connections they build together, ones to pass on from generation to generation.

For Ottolenghi, a bowl of pasta becomes Caramelized Onion Orecchiette with Hazelnuts & Sage, a warming soup is Cheesy Bread Soup with Savoy Cabbage & Cavolo Nero, and potatoes are transformed into Garlicky Aligot Potato with Leeks & Thyme. In Comfort, he tackles everything from crepes to hummus; lamb meatloaf to quick ramen; savory rugelah to chocolate mousse.

This is a book filled with meals that are easy and exciting, familiar and fresh, new and nostalgic, revelatory yet reassuring.


Yotam Ottolenghi 是伦敦六家 Ottolenghi 熟食店以及 NOPI 和 ROVI 餐厅的老板兼主厨。他是十本畅销且屡获殊荣的烹饪书的作者。Yotam 担任《星期六卫报》的每周专栏作家超过十三年,并且是《纽约时报》的定期撰稿人。他提倡使用蔬菜以及曾经被视为“异情调”的食材,这导致了所谓的“Ottolenghi 效应”。这是创造色彩、风味、丰富和阳光的饭菜的简称。Yotam 和他的家人住在伦敦。

Helen Goh 出生于马来西亚,十岁时随家人定居大利亚。她是《Sweet》的合著者,与 Yotam 密切合作了十多年,在烹饪中广泛借鉴了亚洲、西方和中东的影响。Helen 的食谱出现在《悉尼先驱晨报》、《卫报》和《观察家报》上。

Tara Wigley 在出版业工作了近十年,2010 年才转向食品和写作。她在爱尔兰的 Ballymaloe 烹饪学校接受培训,然后于 2011 年开始与 Yotam 合作。Tara 合著了《Ottolenghi Simple》和《Falastin》。她的个人著作《如何涂黄油吐司》是一本关于食谱的韵文集,于 2023 年出版。

Verena Lochmuller 是一名食谱和产品开发人员。她出生于德国,在苏格兰长大,在纽约市学习糕点和烘焙艺术。她自 2015 年起就职于 Ottolenghi,并为两本 Ottolenghi Test Kitchen 书籍《Shelf Love》和《Extra Good Things》贡献了食谱。她现在是 Ottolenghi Test Kitchen 的食品质量和产品开发主管。

Yotam Ottolenghi is the restaurateur and chef-patron of the six London-based Ottolenghi delis, as well as the NOPI and ROVI restaurants. He is the author of ten bestselling and multi-award-winning cookbooks. Yotam has been a weekly columnist for the Saturday Guardian for over thirteen years and is a regular contributor to the New York Times. His championing of vegetables, as well as ingredients once seen as “exotic,” has led to what some call “The Ottolenghi Effect.” This is shorthand for the creation of a meal which is full of color, flavor, bounty, and sunshine. Yotam lives in London with his family.

Helen Goh was born in Malaysia and migrated with her family to Australia at the age of ten. Co-author of Sweet, she has worked closely with Yotam for over ten years, drawing widely on Asian, Western, and Middle Eastern influences in her cooking. Helen’s recipes appear in the Sydney Morning Herald, Guardian and Observer. 

Tara Wigley worked in publishing for the best part of a decade before changing to food and writing in 2010. She trained at the Ballymaloe cooking school in Ireland before starting work with Yotam in 2011. Tara co-authored Ottolenghi Simple and Falastin. Her first solo book, How to Butter Toast, a collection of rhymes about recipes, was published in 2023.  

Verena Lochmuller is a recipe and product developer. She was born in Germany, grew up in Scotland, and studied pastry and baking arts in New York City. She has been at Ottolenghi since 2015, and has contributed recipes to two Ottolenghi Test Kitchen books—Shelf Love and Extra Good Things. She is now Head of Food Quality and Product Development at the Ottolenghi Test Kitchen.

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