【中商原版】意大利 威尼斯 罗马及其他地区 辛西娅 扎林诗人 In Italy Venice Rome and Beyond 英文原版 Cynthia Zarin
运费: | ¥ 5.00-30.00 |
库存: | 1 件 |
意大利:威尼斯、罗马及其他地区 辛西娅·扎林诗人 In Italy : Venice, Rome and Beyond
Format:Paperback / softback 104 pages
Publisher:Daunt Books
Imprint:Daunt Books
Published:16 Nov 2023
Dimensions:111 x 176 x 12 (mm)
知名诗人、《纽约客》(New Yorker)作家辛西娅-扎林(Cynthia Zarin)通过四个意大利空间的镜头,对爱与失去如何塑造地方和空间进行了深刻的个人沉思。
From acclaimed poet and New Yorker writer Cynthia Zarin comes a deeply personal meditation on how love and loss shape places and spaces, all through the lens of four Italian spaces.
Here we encounter a writer deeply engaged with narrative in situ – a traveller moving through beloved streets, sometimes accompanied, sometimes solo. With her we see anew the Venice Biennale, the Lagoon and San Michele, the island of the dead; the Piazza di Spagna, the Tiber, the view from the Gianicolo; the pigeons at San Marco and the parrots in the Doria Pamphili.
Zarin’s attention to the small details, the lovely gesture, brings Venice, Rome, Assisi and Santa Maria Maggiore vividly to life for the reader.
辛西娅·扎林 (Cynthia Zarin) 是五本诗集《阿达诗》和《轨道》的作者,以及五本儿童读物和两本散文集《两座城市和一颗扩大的心:个人历史》的作者。 她获得的荣誉包括古根海姆纪念奖、国家艺术基金会文学奖、彼得·B·拉万奖、英格拉姆·梅里尔诗歌奖和洛杉矶时报图书诗歌奖。 扎林是《纽约客》的长期撰稿人,在耶鲁大学任教。
Cynthia Zarin is the author of five books of poetry, The Ada Poems and Orbit, as well five books for children and two essay collections, Two Cities and An Enlarged Heart: A Personal History. Her honours include a Guggenheim Memorial Award, a National Endowment for the Arts Award in Literature, the Peter B. Lavan Award, an Ingram Merrill Award for Poetry, and the Los Angeles Times Book Award for Poetry. A longtime contributor to the New Yorker, Zarin teaches at Yale University.
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